Wednesday, March 9, 2011

REASON #3...

         Ok - I'm not completely insane.  I don't think I'm ever really going to run into my high school crush, Jake Ryan.  I mean - what are the odds, right?  He's not even acting anymore.  According to the expert on all things, Wikipedia, Jake Ryan ...I mean, Michael Schoeffling, quit acting and opened up a woodworking shop in Pennsylvania.  Not that I know the address, or anything (insert awkward laugh).  Anyway, the possibility of running into your actual high school crush, the one that probably still lives in your home town, is a real motivator for anyone to look good.  I have an actual crush that I still see once in a while.  It would be a very "Romy and Michele's High School Reunion" kind of a  moment if I could look particularly amazing for one of these encounters.   I will still be struck dumb and sound like an idiot, which is just the way it is whenever I see this guy, but at least I'll look good.