Saturday, July 23, 2011


Let's face it - Cheetara was a badass.  Wonderwoman and She-ra were also personal heroes, but there was just something indescribably cool about Cheetara.  I have had an extremely  awkward relationship with my body since childhood.  My utter lack of coordination made gym class less than fun.  My parents were kind enough to teach me to play basketball, which I liked and was (miraculously) reasonably good at, but I dropped it once I entered adulthood.  I really don't know where my aversion to exercise comes from.  It's very mysterious, and annoying.  As I have mentioned before, I  did stagger and limp my way through a marathon  for charity a few years ago.  Suffice it to  say,  I finished, but I was no Cheetara.  And my mother had to convince them to keep the finish line open for me, but that's another story.

I would love to be a real  runner.   Oh, to be confident, fast, and easy in my body.  Dedicated.  Every runner I meet always seems to be so dedicated to it.  It's cool.  I would love to have that athletic nonchalance that they just  throw around. "What are you doing this weekend?" "Oh, just a half marathon in the Hamptons.  It's no big deal.  I'm training for the Boston Marathon."  Wow.  There are multiple things to be jealous of in that sentence. A) Going to the Hamptons B) Being in amazing shape C) Being in such amazing shape that you're a fast enough runner to consider qualifying for Boston.  The mind reels!

Anyway, I've been making a little progress on the fitness front.  I joined the YMCA, and I've been doing a bit of running (ok, fast walking) on my treadmill.  I'm inspired by the whole couch to 5k program.  You can read about it here:
 I think it will take a about twice as long as they want it to, but slow and steady winds the race, right?  Just ask the turtle.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

REASON #3...

         Ok - I'm not completely insane.  I don't think I'm ever really going to run into my high school crush, Jake Ryan.  I mean - what are the odds, right?  He's not even acting anymore.  According to the expert on all things, Wikipedia, Jake Ryan ...I mean, Michael Schoeffling, quit acting and opened up a woodworking shop in Pennsylvania.  Not that I know the address, or anything (insert awkward laugh).  Anyway, the possibility of running into your actual high school crush, the one that probably still lives in your home town, is a real motivator for anyone to look good.  I have an actual crush that I still see once in a while.  It would be a very "Romy and Michele's High School Reunion" kind of a  moment if I could look particularly amazing for one of these encounters.   I will still be struck dumb and sound like an idiot, which is just the way it is whenever I see this guy, but at least I'll look good.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

REASON # 2....

How amazing is this poster?  It's for the film  "For Your Eyes Only," circa 1981.   What is up with the lovingly rendered deep sea diving suit with claws?  And what about the photo-realistic car explosion?  The Bond girl's's butt that is so toned, it makes me upset inside.  What cut of bathing suit is that?  French Bikini-meets- Robin-Byrd-public-access show?  Or perhaps the poor soul just put her bathing suit on backwards. Regardless, this reason to get fit  is very close to my heart.  Skinny leg-ed lads and lasses don't know the pain (literally) of thighs rubbing together.  Pants, shorts - any garment with legs work fine.  Skirts are another story.  I won't go into detail here but let's just say, if a pair of pantyhose isn't involved, skirts and dresses are my Kryptonite.  Do I need legs quite this skinny and muscular to solve the issue?  I hope not.  Having legs like these would be,  if not genetically impossible, genetically improbable for me.

So here's hoping for fit thighs that don't fit quite so snugly together.  And for a crossbow.

And so it continues...

After the brave flash of lunacy that motivated the creation of this blog, the holidays happened.  I ate and made merry, and I spent next to no time thinking about my weight.  Hence  - no weight loss news to report.    However, I do have some updates now.  2 weeks ago, I rejoined Weigh tWatchers.  They're on a whole new points calculating system.  For those weight watchers neophytes out there, points are a more complicated way of calorie counting.  They factor in protein, fat, fiber, and calorie content to arrive at a point value.  You only get a certain amount of points a day.  Anyway, new nutritional science has lead to a major revamp.  Apparently, this new points plus program has been tested in Europe for the last eight months with off the chart results.  To make a long story shot, I like the changes.

Anyway - in my first week I lost ....drum roll please... 2.8 lbs.  Not a huge loss, but significant for me. This felt like a triumph after more than a year of steady gaining.  Week 2 rolls around.  I weigh in and "Gasp!"  I've regained 2.4 lbs.  Talk about a short lived success.  No big deal though.  I blame myself.  I was a little loose with tracking and I ate out the 2 nights leading up to weigh in.  Indian, then Thai.  I tired to be accurate with the point values and portions, but I'm not an eyeballing expert and I'm sure I underestimated.

Lesson learned: Don't eat out before weigh in,  crazy pants.  Splurge on the weekend or earlier in the week.

And hey - at least I lost 4 ounces.  Please excuse me while I go report that to all the major news agencies.