Saturday, January 15, 2011

And so it continues...

After the brave flash of lunacy that motivated the creation of this blog, the holidays happened.  I ate and made merry, and I spent next to no time thinking about my weight.  Hence  - no weight loss news to report.    However, I do have some updates now.  2 weeks ago, I rejoined Weigh tWatchers.  They're on a whole new points calculating system.  For those weight watchers neophytes out there, points are a more complicated way of calorie counting.  They factor in protein, fat, fiber, and calorie content to arrive at a point value.  You only get a certain amount of points a day.  Anyway, new nutritional science has lead to a major revamp.  Apparently, this new points plus program has been tested in Europe for the last eight months with off the chart results.  To make a long story shot, I like the changes.

Anyway - in my first week I lost ....drum roll please... 2.8 lbs.  Not a huge loss, but significant for me. This felt like a triumph after more than a year of steady gaining.  Week 2 rolls around.  I weigh in and "Gasp!"  I've regained 2.4 lbs.  Talk about a short lived success.  No big deal though.  I blame myself.  I was a little loose with tracking and I ate out the 2 nights leading up to weigh in.  Indian, then Thai.  I tired to be accurate with the point values and portions, but I'm not an eyeballing expert and I'm sure I underestimated.

Lesson learned: Don't eat out before weigh in,  crazy pants.  Splurge on the weekend or earlier in the week.

And hey - at least I lost 4 ounces.  Please excuse me while I go report that to all the major news agencies.

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