Friday, May 4, 2012


Like so many other posts, this one is inspired by popular culture. This time, I'm obsessed with the new "Avengers" movie.  I don't know if I mentioned this before, but I am a massive movie fan.  I spend a lot of my waking hours watching films, which may be part of the reason I'm in such woefully bad shape, but that's another post.  Anyway, "The Avengers-"  So good! So fun!  Usually, when I watch a big, summery movie like that, I'll have a moment or two that will make me shrug and silently think "Eh."   I have moments like that even with films that I really enjoy.  In this particular franchise, I really liked "Iron Man," "Thor," and "Captain America."  As much as I liked those films, there were  "eh" moments that came from little pockets of bad or silly writing. "The Avengers" does not have any problems like this.  I'm sure there will be plenty of people who disagree, but I loved the entire ride.  I was in it from the opening to the post credits scene.   I am a serious Joss Whedon fan, but I am trying to be unbiased here.  I think "The Avengers" is one of his best projects to date.  I know I have a soft spot for Mr. Whedon - most specifically, for his trademark pretty-girl-kicking-ass, but I think this movie is just above and beyond so much of what is out there.  It delivered in every way.  It manages to be exciting, funny, and smart all at the same time.  There's also some genuinely moving hero moments in it.    And Mark Ruffalo as the Hulk - genius!  I was originally disappointed about Edward Norton being recast, but I have to say that Ruffalo really got in there and made the role his own. Ruffalo says one of my favorite lines in  the movie:  ‎"That's my secret, Captain: I'm always angry."  I won't ruin it for anyone, but it is such a cool scene.

So let's try to tie my rambling passion for "The Avengers" to fitness, shall we?    Seeing superheroes run around really makes me wish I had abs. Or gluts. Or some sore of muscle definition somewhere.  Yes, I know it's  technically impossible for me to "hulk out" and throw police cars at space ships, but I could at least consider getting in touch with the more physical aspects of my being. Strength training people!   I am considering signing up for a running event (more to come on that) taking place in six months.  I've had a YMCA membership for almost a year.  I've used it exclusively for swimming (I'm doing 2-3 mornings a week for 30 minutes a pop), and I finally feel ready to face all those scary weight machines. So I signed up for the free coaching program they have at the Y.  You get three meetings with your coach over 3 months.  They have a room within the gym connected to a login based computer system.  I think it's called fit...something.  I can't remember - I've only gone once.  Anyway, it stores your settings for each weight machine.  When you log in at a specific machine, it gives you your settings and once you start lifting, it monitors your preset range of motion so you know how far and how fast to lift.  It logs every set you do, as well as any time you clock on the cardio machines.  It's really cool, and I'm really excited.  My coach seems to believe that with enough dedication, I can reach my running goal in six months.  We'll see how I do.

Two random thoughts:  1: The image used above comes from a poster being sold by a company called Mondo:

I think it's a really beautiful image.

2: I really hope that they make an Iron Man/Hulk buddy movie.  Those 2 characters ride off in Stark's convertible so why not?

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