Saturday, May 19, 2012



That's right - I am publicly committing to training for the Zombie 5k.  Now there's no backing out!  I don't think anyone reads this blog, but they could, so it counts as a huge announcement to The World At Large.   My plan is to run in the fall.  What am I doing to make this happen?  First, I have been continuing to take advantage of the YMCA personal fitness program.  I can't say enough good things about that program.  My trainer is really nice (actually, I think I'm supposed to call her a coach).  In our initial meeting, she did not laugh in my face when I told her I wanted to run this event.  She was supportive, thought the event concept was hilarious, and we hatched a plan.  If you haven't heard about this race you can read about it here:

It's just your run of the mill 5k obstacle curse...with zombies chasing you!!!!  I am so excited about this.  To say I'm not much of a runner  would be a massive understatement.  Nevertheless, I am going to do everything I can to make this happen. As per our plan, that means swimming 2-3 times a week for 30 minutes, and doing a gym workout twice a week. Right now that's 25 minutes of cardio, plus 30 minutes of lifting weights. It's not much weight at them moment, but I have a lot of hope for my pale, flabby limbs. And my core - I'd like to have a core again. Right now I just have a gelatinous sack of Diet Coke connecting my upper body to my lower body.

I am very, very excited about this.  Did I mention that I'm excited?  I am also terrified - and it's not just about the zombies.  The fear of looking like an utter doofus at the gym plagues me.  I should really get over this.  If you have a second, check this link out:

This guy, Ben Davis, used the Couch to 5k program to become  a runner and lose a bunch of weight. This guy is hardcore! The video he made about it is really inspiring.

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